well so here we go with my first month of my twelve on twelve project.
tripp came along for moral support.
he’s growing a beard…did you notice? i’m glad it’s finally grown out past the stickery stage and now i don’t feel like i’m having a microdermabrasion treatment whenever i give him a smooch.
anyway, on to the rest of the photos.
i have no idea what happened here.
part of it was because i think i might not have gotten the film loaded exactly right. there were a couple of times that it made a strange noise as the film was advancing. to be honest i was worried that the photos would come out at all.
these next couple of shots were of my neighbor’s holly bush.
one of the parameters of this project i wanted to give myself was to shoot in manual. i usually shoot in aperture mode, but since the point of this whole project is sort of a back to basics thing, i thought why not go all the way.
more holly berries.
one thing i’m noticing is the quality of the bokeh is a little different than my digital camera. i don’t know if that’s a camera thing or a film thing. also, i wish i had bumped the exposure by a stop.
i guess i sort of had berries on the brain because here are a couple of shots of a juniper tree down the street.
just for the record, these photos have not been post-processed in any way. only resized for my blog. confession…i’m sort of missing the punch of a slight LR tweak.
i really like this shot. the rich colors of the background and the overall sort of bluish tone. the composition could be better.
on a similar note, focus was probably my biggest frustration. for starters the wind was blowing upwards of 40 mph. so that makes it hard enough. but on my digital camera i used what’s called back-button-focus. it’s so great to lock the focal point and then it allows you to recompose the shot.
this is a perfect example of sucky focus.
this one is a little better, but still not as sharp as i like it…i’m pretty persnickety when it comes to getting tack-sharp focus.
once again…soft focus….grrrrr.
another reason for the fuzzy focus was the ISO of my film was 400. i’ve gotten into a bad habit of keeping my ISO too high on my DSLR…that way my shutter speed is higher and it helps to minimize my camera shake.
this was just an epic fail.
so just a couple of thoughts on the first month of my photography project.
- i have been somewhat of a lazy photographer when it comes to exposure
- nature photography in the wind is not advisable
- there is always room for improvement
- i am {still} so thankful for this hobby
thank you, as always, for letting me share it with you.
love, kelly
We get so spoiled with our DSLR. I have a Holga and only one photo came out even half way ok!!! Seeing you do this project nakes me think I need to get back on my horse and try again!!!
Not bad for your first time out! It’s been years since I shot film. It’s beginning to ring my bell but not loudly. I think I’ll wait until the winter winds are done howling. It looks as if you had a nice day. We’re under the threat of snow. Ugh! So I’ll stick with my dslr for now. It is good to stretch ourselves though, get out of the comfort zone.
but these turned out great, kelly, considering you’re going old school. and it’s great that you are learning from your mistakes. i need to hurry up and finish up the roll of film that’s in my film camera and see what i can learn from the results. ; )
You did an excellent job! My favorite is the second shot of the blue berries with all that gorgeous bokeh. I shutter to think about going back to film. I can remember all the disappointing pictures and I just don’t think I could deal with that again! You are very brave. I do believe it would certainly make one more intent in taking shots and that would be a good thing. Thinking and composing before shooting is something I need to work on!
I really like the pine cone image – nice shot…But the first photo put a smile on my face because of what you wrote about your sweetheart beard – I can so relate — cute pets too…