Zinnia love.

It’s that time of year when pretty much everything else in my garden has either completely given up or is suffering from the unrelenting heat and humidty.

Zinnias however….well they just keep on keeping on.

This year I planted a new variety of zinnias from Floret Flower called ‘Oklahoma Salmon‘.

I mean obviously…with a name like that.

This variety is daintier than the zinnias I’ve grown in the past, but they make up for their smaller stature with a profusion of the prettiest coraly/pinky/salmony colored blooms.

Sigh…..they are so pretty.

Over the weekend we had a real toad strangler of a storm roll through which caused my zinnias to flop over into the driveway. So I restaked them and tied them back up. .
Sidenote: Toad Strangler = Frog Choker = Gully Washer
The ones that broke off I brought inside.

The truth is that having an armload of zinnias blooms in the house doesn’t make me sad one bit.
Love, Kelly
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