around here, i am in utter disbelief that today is the last day of july. the news, tv commercials, my instagram feed…they’re all talking about back-to-school which seems impossible.
around here, it feels a bit strange that my girl and i aren’t planning a back-to-school supply shopping trip. although we’ve talked about going anyway. just because you can never have too many notebooks and new pens.
around here i am IMMENSELY enjoying having a housekeeper again. coming home to a clean house = awesome.
around here i love watching the morning sun come through my east french doors.
around here i am eating porter peaches with reckless abandon. i recently made this humble pie recipe and it is everything i love about pie and cobbler rolled into one. super easy!
around here, with nothing else to really watch on tv, i have become obsessed with public television’s create channel.
around here i am also completely obsessed with this white kitchen in this month’s southern living magazine. trying to wrap my head around exactly how hard it would be to paint both my walls and cabinets.
around here i have been bitten by the insomnia bug. maybe it’s dreaming about white kitchens or maybe it’s just middle-aged hormone issues. at any rate, i asked the google about it and am now the proud owner of two $20 bottles of whole foods supplements that don’t do shit.
around here i am a joy to live with. #sarcasm
around here i am looking forward to a quiet weekend with the hubs. maybe dipping my toe back into my woefully neglected project life album.
around here i do in fact realize that i have been a hit or miss blogger of late. and a big part of that is due to the fact that i’m trying to reduce my non-work-related screen time. i want to connect with my real life, my home, and my family. i want to soak up the golden hours of summer. sit by the pool with my hubby. give my brain some time off. make some deposits in my temporal savings account.
around here i am always grateful for this little space. this tiny corner of the interwebs. but after almost five years of non-stop blogging, i am going to take a little break…around the web it’s sort of unofficially known as the ‘august break’. and so for the next month i am going to continue giving myself the gift of whitespace. regroup and recharge. take some time to reflect on my vision for this space. who knows…maybe i’ll paint my kitchen.
at any rate, as always, i am so so thankful to you for letting me share my life with you. wishing you a month that is full of joy, peace, and beauty.
love, kelly
This is lovely. Very, very lovely.
Wishing you a happy enjoyable break with lots of connection and space to think.
What a wonderful series of images and great use of light.
I discovered your blog via Focusing On Life. I do hope your break isn’t too long. You have a new fan!
hi liz! thank you so much!
Around here, I’m just getting around to reading blogs. The one thing I always see in your images is love and contentment and these are no different! It’s beautiful around your home! Enjoy your August break, although it’s almost over! Look forward to seeing you back in September!