Around here Spring is putting on quite the show.

Between the tulips and the dogwoods and the lilacs (oh my!), spring is a delight for the senses and I am HERE. FOR. IT.

Around here I am taking every opportunity to bring this loveliness inside. Having my kitchen smell like lilac? um, yes please.

Around here we have some temporary residents living down the street from me. This impressive creature is a Yellow-crowned Night-Heron and is here in my neck of the woods to nest and help raise its young. Its red eyes, gray feathers and black and white face make it a striking bird, and its long yellow plumes give it a touch of elegance.
If, like my beloved, you might be tempted to confuse it with a crane, I asked the interwebs about it. And two of the main differences are the herons smaller size and the fact it nests high up in trees rather than on the ground.
Hello my name is Kelly and I am a bird nerd.

Around here I love noticing how the light in my house changes along with the changing of seasons. This time of year, the sun rises a little more to the north along the horizon which means that in the mornings, my living room is flooded with glorious golden light.
Insert long, happy sigh here.

Around here I made a new wreath for my front door. It’s colorful and “sproingy” (a technical term) and everything I love about a homemade wreath.
Sidenote: l’m praying that the neighborhood robins don’t love it so that they don’t decide build a nest on my front door again.

Around here I have taken approximately 1,486 photo of the pink tulips in my front yard. Yesterday morning, my neighbor drove by while I was taking photos. We chatted for a minute about their delightful shade of pink and how this batch of tulips is blooming a little later than the others in the neighborhood. Then he went on his merry way and I went back in the house a few minutes later.
As I was walking upstairs to my office, I happened to see myself in the mirror. I had forgotten that I still had my PJ’s on with my favorite old, holey sweater over top. Not a stitch of makeup. My hair still pulled up from the night before. And then I just shook my head and laughed at myself. Which is always a good thing in my book.

Around here I remain grateful for my little corner of the interwebs. As always, thank you for letting me share my photos and stories with you.
Love, Kelly
I love your photos, always gorgeous, always inspiring. xoxo
thank you!
I’m sure you looked terrific Kelly. Loved this post. Enjoy the wedding planning??