I’ve really struggled with this. Trying to figure out what is the right thing to do – and for most of the year I tended to volley between one of two choices, move or stay. Thinking that it had to be either one or the other…because that would be the tidiest, least complicated solution. But then I took this walk. And it reminded me that life doesn’t always have to be neat and tidy or stay within the very narrow lines of my comfort zone. And that maybe, if I could see the unruliness a little differently, there might be an opportunity for magic and growth and light.
So what had been for most of the year an ‘either/or’ decision, now Tripp and I started exploring the idea of a ‘both/and’ solution. Living in both Oklahoma and Kansas City.
To that end we decided to rent an apartment in Kansas City. We moved in about a month and a half ago and furnished it with stuff from our garage apartment and extra’s from around the house.
We started off with the basics – a couple of chairs in the living room and a bed and two nightstands – and after a few Target runs for the necessities…
…and just for the record, I did not consider the giant flat screen TV Tripp bought a “necessity”….
….plus a couple of trips to Hobby Lobby/Kirkland’s/Home Goods, it’s starting to come together and feel like home.
Huge thanks to Tripp’s mom for giving us this console for our living room! Because of said giant TV, we had a serious cord & wire issue that was causing my OCD to kick into over drive.
Before bringing it up to KC, I decided to paint it.
Based on my recent success with using chalk paint for a couple of smaller projects, I thought this table would be a great candidate for a little update.
I’m super happy with how it turned out!
Then, with the help of some zip ties, tape, and a roll of velcro tape, I was able to corral this nightmare of cords into something a little more manageable.
Dear 3M, I love you.
And yes I know I am yelling, but I seriously felt like I had won the lottery that day! And with a little chalk paint treatment, I think it’s going to be perfect.
In all seriousness though, for me to be able to feel at home in KC, it has to feel like home…not like a hotel room or staying in someone else’s house. It has to BE home. Because it is home.
A home away from home.
That first day after we got our stuff moved in and unpacked, Tripp went to work and I sat in the living room drinking my coffee, I watched as the sunshine made its way through our east-facing windows. I walked around from room to room see where the light and the shadow met. I pointed my camera lens towards that light and let it find its way to my heart.
And every time I’ve been there since then, I have taken the opportunity to explore. To look for the light and the beauty and magic. Because it’s always there.
I have come to realize that although my physical location might be different at times, nothing else has really changed. I am still trying to stay present. I am still trusting in God’s Goodness and Providence.
I am still minding my nest.
What a great attitude you have. I needed to read this today. My attitude has needed a little adjustment this last week and I have been searching for some answers of my own. Thanks. I do hope you enjoy your time in KC.
Thank you Kathleen. And please believe me when I tell you that it took me a good deal of time to get to this place. Hoping you find your answers soon. xo
Oh, Kelly, this makes me so happy! I have had you on my mind so much wondering how you were going to solve this dilemma and, in typical Kelly fashion, you made the most of it and found the positive . . . and the LIGHT! I think this is the perfect solution for you and I’m smiling! 🙂
terri you are so sweet. thank you for the kind words – it makes me smile knowing what a good friend i have in my corner. xoxo
I’m happy for you and I love your solution to the “should we or shouldn’t we” dilemma. And, I really love your apartment photo’s, especially of the console. So pretty and practical. And, of course, you are doing a wonderful job of finding the light in your new situation. Thanks for sharing.
What an ideal solution! Now you have a whole new town to explore. Who knows the experiences you will now have! Go forth and have fun.