Merriam-Webster defines piddling as “PUTTER, TINKER; to move or act aimlessly or idly.”
I’d say that’s a fairly accurate description of my day. But it was heaven. Here’s a brief summary of some of my inconsequential activities:
- I walked around the block with Daisy and took pictures of pretty leaves
- I plucked my eyebrows.
- I SWIFFER dusted. As opposed to dusting with Pledge and a dust rag.
- I made brownies in cupcake cups. Now that I have my 1M piping tip all I want to do is make cupcakes and practice decorating the tops.
- I vacuumed the cat hair tumbleweeds.
- I cleaned the kitchen.
- I added some pins to my Pinterest board.
- I worked on a scrapbook page.
- I spent an embarrassing amount of time looking at all the catalogs I’ve received the past couple of weeks.
- I looked up the definitions for putz, piddle, and putter.
Puttering around the house was the perfect medicine for this strung out homebody. And as happy as it made me, the very best thing about my day involves one delightful, beautiful, sweet soul whose happy smile and twinkly eyes are medicine for my heart.
Thank you God for this day and my family. And a peaceful heart with which to enjoy them.
Peace, Kelly
[…] wrapped up. it’s a yearly update to a ginormous project from a couple years ago. that’s when i sorta dropped of the face of the blog world for a while. but thankfully it’s no where near as stressful as that. i have actually been […]