I don’t really consider myself a blue or purple person. And by that I mean I don’t often wear clothes or decorate my home in these colors. That is except in my yard where I am in love with all these shades of indigo, periwinkle, and violet.

Warning! Science nerd alert!
Indigo (or blue-violet) is at one end of the visible light spectrum with a wavelength somewhere between 380 and 495 nanometers. These shades have the shortest wavelengths and highest frequencies as opposed to red which has the longest wavelength and shortest frequency.
Also, fun fact, here is some debate as to whether indigo should be included in the spectrum since it’s not actually distinguishable from blue-violet. Apparently, Isaac Newton divided the spectrum into seven colors (what we know as ROYGBIV) to connect the colors to the days of the week and the known objects of the solar system.

In terms of color psychology, violet is often considered to be a link between the physical and spiritual worlds, promoting peace of mind and harmony between the body and soul. Violet is also associated with imagination and inspires and encourages creativity.
Now, I don’t know if all that’s true, but I certainly felt inspired while I was taking these photos of these delightful blooms I brought inside from my garden. And I hope the happiness and peace I felt in my creative process finds its way to you today.
Love, Kelly
[…] all that talk about color and flowers in my previous post got me to thinking about all the colors that I have growing in my garden during any given time of […]