There was a morning, not too long ago, when I walked outside the back door to let Daisy out that I thought to myself…
it feels spring -ish.

Even though it was really chilly that morning, there was something different in the way the morning light came through the trees. A subtle shift that told me that Spring was on her way.

Oh! Remember all those daffodil bulbs I planted last fall?

I was practically giddy when I saw those first tender green shoots coming up from the ground earlier this month. And look at them now!

Plus a few of my existing, established daffodil bulbs have already started to bloom.

Also, planting hyacinth bulbs a couple of years ago might have been the best gardening decision of my life.

And I can’t forget to mention that the hellebores are starting to bloom!

I think now is would be an appropriate time to pause all this talk about spring flowers to share my favorite Oklahoma weather meme.

In case you were curious, I would classify our current season as the ‘Spring of Deception’.
All joking aside, I’m fairly certain that winter isn’t completely done with us yet, but just seeing the little signs of spring around my yard just makes my heart so happy and gives me so much hope for the season to come. I hope it brightens your day as much as it has mine.
Love, Kelly
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